News Details

Mining mud pump bearing


Performance: An advanced fluid end design gives exceptionally smooth Triplex performance. This unique design facilitates fast inspection and easy servicing.
Flexibility: Compact engineering provides higher efficiency in less space. The pump's light weight and flexible design make it easily adaptable to a variety of rig configurations. This provides flexibility as drilling requirements and conditions change.
Fluid End Modules: NOV offers a choice of fluid end modules and valve covers for every P Series pump model to select the fluid end module that exactly matches drilling requirements. All pump models can be equipped with either the standard or premium forged, two-piece interchangeable fluid modules.

IB-666 ZB-5620 12BA6 ZB-26250 bearing(original) IB-1334
IB-429 ZB-11028 12W84 ZB-26250 IB-1332
IB-411 ZB-10236 12W85 ZB-25500 IB-657
4600170/649366 ZB-8662 12BA18 ZB-23500 IB-675
4600169/649472 ZB-7873 12BA5 ZB-22000 IB-672
ZA-6870 IB-666 bearing(original) IB-1332 bearing(original) ZT-16125 IB-670
7602-0210-67 IB-666 IB-1332 ZT-15000 IB-680
7602-0212-98 IB-429 IB-657 ZT-14500 IB-676
7602-0210-93/94 IB-411 IB-675 ZT-13127 IB-671
7602-0210-95/96 4600170/649366 IB-672 ZT-11812 IB-678
65-101-775 4600169/649472 IB-670 ZT-10003 IB-677
65-101-958 ZA-6870 IB-680 7602-0201-67 12BA4
65-101-954 7602-0210-67 IB-676 7602-0201-37 12GF36
IB-666/491-35 7602-0212-98 IB-671 7602-0201-38 12GF38
IB-306/3693B 7602-0210-93/94 IB-677 7602-0201-47 12GF20
ZB-9005 7602-0210-95/96 12BA4 7602-0200-54 12BA6
ZB-8253 65-101-775 12GF36 7602-0200-53 12W84
ZB-7370 65-101-958 12GF38 7602-0213-06 12W85
ZB-7120 65-101-954 12GF20 7602-0212-68 12BA18
ZB-6751 IB-666/491-35 12BA6 7602-0212-69 12BA5
ZB-5620 IB-306/3693B 12W84 6319-0078-00 12AM3
ZB-11028 ZB-9005 12W85 7602-0212-89 12BA44
ZB-10236 ZB-8253 12BA18 6310-0012-00 12BA19
ZB-8662 ZB-7370 65-725-959 bearing(original) 7602-0213-07 12W73
ZB-7873 ZB-7120 65-725-959 ZB-28515 bearing(original) 12W60
ZB-7081 ZB-6751 65-725-960 ZB-28515 12W58
ZB-6292 ZB-5620 65-725-000 ZB-26250 12W75
ZB-32000 ZB-11028 65-725-010 ZB-25500 12BA19 bearing(original)
ZB-28515 ZB-10236 IB-1331 ZB-23500 IB-675
ZB-26250 ZB-8662 IB-1330 ZB-22000 IB-672
ZB-25500 ZB-7873 IB-1334 ZT-16125 IB-670
ZB-23500 ZB-7081 IB-1332 ZT-15000 IB-680
ZB-22000 ZB-6292 IB-657 ZT-14500 IB-676
ZT-16125 ZB-32000 IB-675 ZT-13127 IB-671
ZT-15000 ZB-28515 IB-672 ZT-11812 IB-678
ZT-14500 ZB-26250 IB-670 ZT-10003 IB-677
ZT-13127 ZB-25500 IB-680 7602-0201-67 12BA4
ZT-11812 ZB-23500 IB-676 7602-0201-37 12GF36
ZT-10003 ZB-22000 IB-671 7602-0201-38 12GF38
7602-0201-67 ZT-16125 IB-677 7602-0201-47 12GF20
7602-0201-37 ZT-15000 12BA4 7602-0200-54 12BA6
7602-0201-38 ZT-14500 65-725-936 bearing(original) 7602-0200-53 12W84
7602-0201-47 ZT-13127 65-725-936 7602-0213-06 12W85
7602-0200-54 ZT-11812 65-725-959 7602-0212-68 12BA18
7602-0200-53 7602-0202-01 bearing(original) 65-725-960 7602-0212-69 12BA5
7602-0213-06 7602-0202-01 65-725-000 6319-0078-00 12AM3
7602-0212-68 22-030-007 65-725-010 7602-0212-89 12BA44
7602-0212-69 IB-666 IB-1331 6310-0012-00 12BA19
6319-0078-00 IB-429 IB-1330 7602-0213-07 12W73
7602-0212-89 IB-411 IB-1334 7602-0212-67 12W60
6310-0012-00 4600170/649366 IB-1332 7602-0212-88 12W58
7602-0213-07 4600169/649472 IB-657 7602-0211-09 12W75
7602-0212-67 ZA-6870 IB-675 7602-0210-37 12AM3 bearing(original)
7602-0212-88 7602-0210-67 IB-672 ZB-6292 bearing(original) IB-1332
7602-0211-09 7602-0212-98 IB-670 ZB-6292 IB-657
7602-0210-37 7602-0210-93/94 IB-680 ZB-32000 IB-675
7602-0213-05 7602-0210-95/96 IB-676 ZB-28515 IB-672
6301-0038-00 65-101-775 IB-671 ZB-26250 IB-670
6397-0267-00 65-101-958 IB-677 ZB-25500 IB-680
7602-0212-90 65-101-954 12BA4 ZB-23500 IB-676
7602-0212-91 IB-666/491-35 12GF36 ZB-22000 IB-671
65-725-034 IB-306/3693B 12GF38 ZT-16125 IB-678
65-725-080 ZB-9005 12GF20 ZT-15000 IB-677
65-725-020 ZB-8253 12BA6 ZT-14500 12BA4
65-725-957 ZB-7370 12W84 ZT-13127 12GF36
65-725-936 ZB-7120 12W85 ZT-11812 12GF38
65-725-959 ZB-6751 12BA18 ZT-10003 12GF20
65-725-960 ZB-5620 65-725-957 bearing(original) 7602-0201-67 12BA6
65-725-000 ZB-11028 65-725-957 7602-0201-37 12W84
65-725-010 ZB-10236 65-725-936 7602-0201-38 12W85
IB-1331 7602-0220-61 bearing(original) 65-725-959 7602-0201-47 12BA18
IB-1330 7602-0220-61 65-725-960 7602-0200-54 12BA5
IB-1334 7602-0202-01 65-725-000 7602-0200-53 12AM3
IB-1332 22-030-007 65-725-010 7602-0213-06 12BA5 bearing(original)
IB-657 IB-666 IB-1331 7602-0212-68 IB-1332
IB-675 IB-429 IB-1330 7602-0212-69 IB-657
IB-672 IB-411 IB-1334 6319-0078-00 IB-675
IB-670 4600170/649366 IB-1332 7602-0212-89 IB-672
IB-676 4600169/649472 IB-657 ZB-7873 bearing(original) IB-670
IB-676 ZA-6870 IB-675 ZB-7873 IB-680
IB-671 7602-0210-67 IB-672 ZB-7081 IB-676
IB-678 7602-0212-98 IB-670 ZB-6292 IB-671
7602-0201-67 7602-0210-93/94 IB-680 ZB-32000 IB-678
7602-0201-37 7602-0210-95/96 IB-676 ZB-28515 IB-677
7602-0201-38 65-101-775 IB-671 ZB-26250 12BA4
7602-0201-47 65-101-958 IB-677 ZB-25500 12GF36
7602-0200-54 65-101-954 12BA4 ZB-23500 12GF38
7602-0200-53 IB-666/491-35 12GF36 ZB-22000 12GF20
7602-0213-06 IB-306/3693B 65-725-957 ZT-16125 12BA6
7602-0212-68 ZB-9005 65-725-957 ZT-15000 12W84
7602-0212-69 ZT-8004 bearing(original) 65-725-936 ZT-14500 12W85
6319-0078-00 ZT-8004 65-725-959 ZT-13127 12BA18
7602-0212-89 ZT-7006 65-725-960 ZT-11812 12BA5
6310-0012-00 7602-0220-62 65-725-000 ZT-10003 12AM3
7602-0213-07 7602-0220-61 65-725-010 7602-0201-67 12BA44
7602-0212-67 7602-0202-01 IB-1331 7602-0201-37 12BA19
7602-0212-88 22-030-007 IB-1330 7602-0201-38 12W73
7602-0211-09 IB-666 IB-1334 7602-0201-47 12BA5
7602-0210-37 IB-429 IB-1332 7602-0200-54 IB-1332
7602-0213-05 IB-411 IB-657 7602-0200-53 IB-657
6301-0038-00 4600170/649366 IB-675 7602-0213-06 IB-675
6397-0267-00 4600169/649472 IB-672 7602-0212-68 IB-672
7602-0212-90 ZA-6870 IB-670 7602-0212-69 IB-670
7602-0212-91 7602-0210-67 IB-680 ZB-11028 ) IB-680
65-725-034 7602-0212-98 IB-676 ZB-11028 IB-676
65-725-080 7602-0210-93/94 IB-671 ZB-10236 IB-671
65-725-020 7602-0210-95/96 IB-677 ZB-8662 IB-678
65-725-957 65-101-775 12BA4 ZB-7873 IB-677

Pls contact us freely if you have any need of bearings,seals,pillow block or other accessories.

We will quote you our favorable price promptly.

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